Svoje znanje o posebnim i veoma zahtjevnim fotografskim žanrovima kao što su noćne fotografije pejzaža i gradova kao i fotografije zvijezda i mliječnog puta želim ovim putem prenijeti što većem broju zaljubljenika u fotografiju. ”Lukomir i Mostar kombo” je moj pažljiv odabir najboljih lokacija za takvu vrstu fotografije. Pri tome sam se trudio ovom jedinstvenom foto avanturom polaznicima u tri dana pokazati što više prelijepih mjesta naše zemlje te je kako cjenovno tako i programom prilagoditi što većem broju ljudi različitih finansijskih mogućnosti i fotografskog nivoa znanja.
I would like to pass on my knowledge of special and very demanding photographic genres such as night photography of landscapes and cities, as well as on shooting stars and the Milky Way, to as many photography lovers as possible. “Lukomir and Mostar combo” is my careful selection of the best locations for this type of photography. In this unique photo adventure, I would like to show to the participants as many beautiful places of our country as possible in three days and to adapt it both in terms of price and program to as many people with different financial backgrounds and photographic levels of knowledge as possible.