”Posebno se radujem Modulu 2: Tri dragulja Hercegovine kojim osim vrhunskih mjesta za jednako takvu fotografiju, učesnicima želim pružiti neposredno iskustvo dragulja Hercegovine, njenih prirodnih ljepota, smaragdnih rijeka, bogate kulture i historije, sjajne gastronomske ponude za gurmane, sladokusce i vinoljupce.
Uz sve to imaćemo priliku posjetiti tri muzeja od čega Titov bunker, kao jednu od najčuvanijih tajni bivše Jugoslavije, spustiti se gornjim tokom Neretve u nezaboravnom raftingu, boraviti i kupati se na najljepšim mjestima Bunice i Trebižata. Modul je zamišljen kao nastavak Modula: Lukomir i Sarajevo i učesnicima će biti omogućeno da iz Lukomira nastave put Hercegovine. Baziran je na inclusive plus aranžmanu sa obrocima u najboljiim restoranima. Pri tome ćemo u optimalnim grupama probati neke od istinskih specijaliteta tog kraja i posjetiti vinariju u Blagaju gdje ćemo probati vina autohtonih sorti Žilavke i Blatine. Sve u svemu jedan izuzetno bogat program koji je mnogo više od same fotografije i čijem počeku se istinski radujem.”
”I am truly excited and looking forward to Module “3 Jewels of Herzegovina”, with which, in addition to top photography spots, I want to provide participants with a direct experience of the true jewels of Herzegovina: emerald rivers, rich culture and history as like great gastronomic offer for gourmets and wine lovers.
In addition, we will have the opportunity to visit three museums, of which Tito’s bunker, as one of the best-kept secrets of the former Yugoslavia, go down the Neretva River in unforgettable rafting, stay and swim in the most beautiful places of crystal clear Bunica and Trebizat rivers. The module is designed as a continuation of the Module “Lukomir and Sarajevo” and participants will be able to continue their journey from the village Lukomir down to Herzegovina. It is based on a full board basis with meals in the best Herzegovina restaurants. While traveling in optimal groups, we will try some of the true specialties of the area and wines of indigenous varieties Žilavka and Blatina. All in all, an extremely rich program that is much more than just photography and I am really looking forward to it”
Sead Šašivarević